Monday, April 25, 2016

about the most important thing you've learned in this class from the literature we read.

Well from the literature I've learned from the book, is based off feelings I can tell. The authors basically went from experience and just wrote characters with it. Some stories were poems, short poems,  long stories. I enjoyed the stories because they were straight to the point, and interesting.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post 24: comparing and contrasting your post to two colleagues' posts about women in modern family life. Read a woman and a man's response. Use quotes.

Javorous Brown , I used his blog to describe this topic. "Well the family I grew up in may be different from others. I grew up in a single parent home, and my mom was the only parent. Nowadays single parents are the cream of the. A woman that is strong, independent, intelligent, courageous, and dependable. Not only did she work to take care of the financial needs, but also still took care and ran the home. She made sure no one messed with her and kids and that they don't go without. That is the role of my modern day wife." This is what he said about the women role in his family.

Greg Mcpherson said " the role of women today are kind of equal and not equal. women now of days have the right to work own their own business and have there own careers rather than having to live off a husband or man they can be more independent. And on the other hand there also treated with a certain label of since there females they shouldn't do a certain mans job or get a mans pay."

They however are similar because they said the women they grew up around were independent and are self made basically.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Post 23: about the role of women in modern family life.

The role of woman in modern lifestyle now is outrageous. The woman I hang around they are manageable and able to teach you things that you may not know about. They will teach you about life and the right methods to do. Everything told they have been there or done that in their lifetime. They have been through trials and tribulations because they have been here long enough so of course they will tell you what to do.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Post 22: the plot of your favorite movie.

The plot in Courage the Cowardly dog is basically The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of fears. An easily frightened canine who lives in a farmhouse with Muriel and Eustace Bagge near the fictional town of Nowhere, Kansas.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 21: about the setting of your favorite TV show and what the setting means for the show.

Y favorite TV show is Courage the Cowardly Dog. In this show the setting is a house on a desert. The meaning of this setting is when a dangerous people or things approach the house to scare them. It's really an interesting cartoon on cartoon network. I really enjoy this show.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post 20; about that develops a metaphor about what you think about poetry.

When I think about a metaphor in poetry, makes me think about how it describes the words. Makes me think about a image or some type of comparison. Person, place, or thing. The metaphor, which continues throughout the poem, is intended to develop a sense of the close.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Post 18: about the images 2 colleagues' discussed in their posts and how you differ. Use quotes

My colleague is Javorious Brown he talks about "Image is the language that addresses the senses. There are five senses total; touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Due to someones preference or past experiences may alter all of that. Whether that's in a good or bad way. In Li Ho "A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair" evokes several senses."

My second colleague is Keyshuna McRae  she talks about " The poem "Poetry Should Ride the Bus" by Ruth Forman is a great example of imagery. I believe that images help the reader understand the poem or story from the authors point of view. When you read a story or a poem you should be able to visualize images in your head as you read. In "Poetry Should Ride the Bus", the author states " poetry should hopscotch in a polka dot dress" (847). While reading that line in the poem, I pictured a young girl with a polka dot dress on , white shoes, and pigtails in her hair."

They differ in a way that is one is talking about the five senses and the other one is talking about how poetry should be spoken on the bus.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17: about why images can mean so many different things. Use a quote from a poem and from a song you like.

Images can tell things better then words can tell it. Action speaks louder then words, and images are sometimes better then words. I know when I look at an image I can see the words throughout the image and sometimes predict what happens.Like Maya Angelou poem "Phenomenal Woman" I can see a woman that is strong and is well smart about what she do. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Post 16: responding to two colleagues' posts. Use quotes.

One of my colleagues, is  Keyshuna Mccrae she wrote about "The poem I chose was "Hazel Tells Laverne" by Katharyn Howd Machan. One of the mythological elements that may have occurred was metamorphosis , which is when a person transforms or changes. In the poem, the author states "an how i can be a princess, me a princess" (Machan 809). The frog that came form the sewage tells the cleaning lady , Hazel, that if she was to kiss him that she would become a princess." 

Second of my colleagues is Rashaan Hatcher he wrote about " The mythological elements in the poem "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner to me is a void. It seems like everyone is acting normal when everything is not OK.  In the poem it says " From my mother's sleep I feel into a state" to me he is in a care free state nothing can affect him. He is just a void and takes in everything and does nothing."

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Post 15 : about the use of mythological elements in one of this week's poems. Use quotes.

The work that is identified in universal responses. Mythological critics interprets the hopes, fears, and expectations of entire cultures. Limit the power of death and to hope for eternal life. Imaginary gods who perform astonishing feats in the causes of love, jealousy or hatred.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post 14: about 2 of your colleagues' favorite poems or lyrics

I chose Jasmine Brown Post about her favorite poem "The poem I chose was Touched by an Angel by Maya Angelou. The theme of this poem is that love is a very sacred thing and it is also religious. To be loved you must go through many struggles in life. Love should always be worshiped even though it is hard."

I chose Greg Mcpherson about his favorite movie "In my View the theme of my favorite movie "Focus" was about if you keep living by the lies you tell you will eventually start believing in them yourself and it will mold out a certain lifestyle that you will eventually wont survive. I say that because near the end of the movie Nicky tries to save jess  life by trying to tell a full proof lie and it almost worked but because she never slept with the other guy the only way they could get out of the situation was if somebody might have died."

Monday, February 29, 2016

Post 13: about the theme of your favorite poem or song lyric

My favorite song  lyric is Adele Song "Hello".  The songwriter emphasis that she has a phone in the middle of nowhere and she needs to get reception and and the towers that are there and she wants to talk to her loved one. They been going through hell and back. She is out of town and she wants him to return her call.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Post 12 : about theme in your life so far.

The theme in my life so far is about my motivation that I drive for myself for college. Having a positive outlook in your life can lead you to have a great time. My life theme is a quest for acceptance.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Post 11 about the theme of your favorite movie.

The story Beyond the Lights, focuses on Noni, a British female R&B singer of mixed race parents who struggled against a heavier burden of competition with the racial prejudice on her.
Beyond the lights was a about the pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post 10: about two colleagues' symbols

One of my colleagues' Alexus Boles , she describes the A necklace with a basketball and the letter A on it. She describes how it makes her feel coming from her mother and God-Mother. She loves any type of jewelry and that her favorite sport is basketball.

Second one of colleagues' Javorous Brown, he describes the tattoos he has 3. They are Italian style. His first tattoo is a anchor and wheel, meaning he's able to steer himself out of any hard situation that comes his way. Another tattoo is "VENI, VINI, VIDI". It states "I came, I saw, I conquered. And my newest and last tattoo is another Italian quote which says " é tutto un equilibrio sopra la folia". Which means "its all a balance above the madness". Each one of his tattoos mean something to himself and each one them holds a specific experience or special memor

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post 9: post by Wednesday about something you often wear or carry and what it symbolizes.

Something that I wear often is my rings and my Jesus bracelet. The rings symbolizes that my mom gave me a heart ring and it means the most to me. I wear it on my right had middle finger. The second ring that I wear is on my left hand on my marriage finger.  It symbolizes the graduation ring that was giving to me from my God Dad. Also, the Jesus bracelet that I wear on wrist comes from my mother also. It's colorful and enjoy wearing it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Post 8: post response to 2 colleague's view of setting. Use quotes and links.

In Thomas Smith blog about Hemingway's setting he portrayed it as, in Oklahoma. "Krebs left college to enlist and go to war for his country in 1917. He came back to the United States after the group before him came back. He returned in 1919. He eventually returned to Oklahoma years after the war was over. No one knew why he decided to come back so late after the war. The social norm back then was he had to lie in order for his friends to believe him. That's Basically a double standard. It eventually caught up with him because he began to have flashbacks of what really happened."

In Jasmine Brown blog about Hemingway's setting she also said I Oklahoma. " This takes place in the year 1920 during the summer. This is after World War 1 has ended when the people in the war return home from fighting. " Krebs's returned tot his home town in Oklahoma the greeting of heroes was over" pg. 187 paragraph 2

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Post 7: post about the setting in either Hemingway's or Packer's story.

The setting for Ernest Hemingway's short story "Soldier's Home" is a town of medium size in Oklahoma. The time is the summer of 1919. Much of the story takes place in the home of the young protagonist named Harold Krebs, who has only recently returned from France and Germany, where he was fighting in important battles in World War I. His mother is a housewife. His father is in the real estate business and deals mostly in farm property. Krebs spends much of his time in the house. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Post 6: how the author's life of your Doc1 story/poem affects the story or poem. Use quotes & links.

The author Gail Godwin feels " this selection she shows how a marriage does not always lead to a perfect life. Godwin uses “A Sorrowful Woman” to portray modern marriages. “A Sorrowful Woman” is a parody of fairy tales. The traditional fairy tale has a fixed resolution- everyone lives happily ever after. "

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Post 5: A sorrowful woman By: Gail Godwin

This poem out the book is based on how story of a woman who is no longer satisfied with her role of being a perfect mother for her son and a perfect wife for her husband. This study would critically analyze the plots and characters of this story. The heroine of Gail Godwin's short story "A Sorrowful Woman" seems inexplicable. Apparently healthy, married to a "durable, receptive, gentle" husband, and mother of a three-year-old son, she seems to have no aspirations beyond the roles of wife and mother she more than competently fulfills.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Post 4: what 2 of your colleagues learned about their stories; use quotes & links.

One of my colleagues Jaylen Pope, talked about how she liked  Godwin's "A Sorrowful Women". For this she said that its a story about a woman who doesn't want to take her role as wife and mother. The woman cuts off her feelings towards her family, and the outside world."The woman is depressed that she cannot find a role that she can be content with. She tried things like trying on different costumes and moving to the white room but she is still unsatisfied."

2nd of colleagues Israel Walker , talked about a "Poem Caged Bird". For this she describes how this" poem because its powerful to me and one i did for a contest, and i haven't done them in a long time. so it was interesting for me to choose the hardest one to start off with, but that one really speak to me and I could feel and understood what she was saying every time I would reread it, and as I go back to all of the ones I did I spent  most of my  time on this one, I don't know why. maybe because i really liked it and felt the passion and or maybe because I needed the practice"..

Friday, January 22, 2016

Post 3: about what you have learned about your story

I learned that it shows my inner feelings. Expressing my life and how I feel within. Also, saying that things may not go easy but its soon to get there. Although you may not believe so but it is slowly but surely. Things may not always go your way but you still can manage what you need to get done.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 2

One of my favorite movies, is called Beyond the Lights, This movie basically talks about a superstar named Noni. She was always looked at the outer world different from what she really was inside. Noni mother always looked at her to be perfect at a young age, when she really wanted to be young and free. As, she was in her famous career, Noni ran into a cop named Kaz, who helped her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. She never felt so loved and beautiful from within. She looked to her guy friend Kaz for all type help. He was there to surrender her, through the rough times in her career. Noni not only liked to looked up but she also wanted her space to though. She wanted to be independent, from the rest of the world.
I really enjoy this movie, it made me think about myself. Putting myself in her shoes and imaging the pain and hurt, nut the also the love and peace.

Post 1: Introduction

Hello, my fellow colleagues. My name is Siobhan Neal. I am 18 years young. I am from Jacksonville, Florida. Most people may look at my name and pronounce it wrong, but it is very easy to say than spell. (Suh-bun). I attend Middle Georgia State University(MGSU). Majoring in Nursing, RN. I am excited about my freshman year spring 2016.