Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Post 18: about the images 2 colleagues' discussed in their posts and how you differ. Use quotes

My colleague is Javorious Brown he talks about "Image is the language that addresses the senses. There are five senses total; touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Due to someones preference or past experiences may alter all of that. Whether that's in a good or bad way. In Li Ho "A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair" evokes several senses."

My second colleague is Keyshuna McRae  she talks about " The poem "Poetry Should Ride the Bus" by Ruth Forman is a great example of imagery. I believe that images help the reader understand the poem or story from the authors point of view. When you read a story or a poem you should be able to visualize images in your head as you read. In "Poetry Should Ride the Bus", the author states " poetry should hopscotch in a polka dot dress" (847). While reading that line in the poem, I pictured a young girl with a polka dot dress on , white shoes, and pigtails in her hair."

They differ in a way that is one is talking about the five senses and the other one is talking about how poetry should be spoken on the bus.

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