Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post 24: comparing and contrasting your post to two colleagues' posts about women in modern family life. Read a woman and a man's response. Use quotes.

Javorous Brown , I used his blog to describe this topic. "Well the family I grew up in may be different from others. I grew up in a single parent home, and my mom was the only parent. Nowadays single parents are the cream of the. A woman that is strong, independent, intelligent, courageous, and dependable. Not only did she work to take care of the financial needs, but also still took care and ran the home. She made sure no one messed with her and kids and that they don't go without. That is the role of my modern day wife." This is what he said about the women role in his family.

Greg Mcpherson said " the role of women today are kind of equal and not equal. women now of days have the right to work own their own business and have there own careers rather than having to live off a husband or man they can be more independent. And on the other hand there also treated with a certain label of since there females they shouldn't do a certain mans job or get a mans pay."

They however are similar because they said the women they grew up around were independent and are self made basically.

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