Monday, January 25, 2016

Post 4: what 2 of your colleagues learned about their stories; use quotes & links.

One of my colleagues Jaylen Pope, talked about how she liked  Godwin's "A Sorrowful Women". For this she said that its a story about a woman who doesn't want to take her role as wife and mother. The woman cuts off her feelings towards her family, and the outside world."The woman is depressed that she cannot find a role that she can be content with. She tried things like trying on different costumes and moving to the white room but she is still unsatisfied."

2nd of colleagues Israel Walker , talked about a "Poem Caged Bird". For this she describes how this" poem because its powerful to me and one i did for a contest, and i haven't done them in a long time. so it was interesting for me to choose the hardest one to start off with, but that one really speak to me and I could feel and understood what she was saying every time I would reread it, and as I go back to all of the ones I did I spent  most of my  time on this one, I don't know why. maybe because i really liked it and felt the passion and or maybe because I needed the practice"..

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